In this case, the programmer can only guess and seek out this quote. Solving the problem by random trying the code is a waste of time. It's okay if the programmer guesses by some miracle and still finds it, but he can spend a lot of time pulling the door handles lock.
The project manager creates tickets after the planning session, and they have titles only — this is not a problem, you can fill in the description later, but you must do this before the ticket goes to operation.
It is much worse when the ticket is closed but the content has never been described. Before completing the ticket, you need to check whether its description matches the current state of things. If the ticket was closed undescribed - no problem, the closed ticket can also be edited and filled with content.
In the description of any ticket, it is essential to indicate the source of the requirements. It may be:
- the conditions of the original contract (estimation, statement of work) - then you need to specify the item of conditions (and the document, and where to get it, if it is not clear where it is);
- the client's request expressed during a call or in correspondence - in this case, the client's words must be copied to the ticket;
- the requirement of the project manager or team leader - you must explicitly write about it "* First name Last name * said that the version should be only one number;
- by the recommendation of a third-party expert or colleague - you need to write about it explicitly, for example: "First name Last name <email address or nickname> says that Docker containers should contain no more than one service, so Dockers have it .."
- recommending an article on the Internet - be sure to provide a link (URL) to the item (for example: Make the version number according to * link *).
It is convenient to quote the client's words (or a third-party expert) in the form of comments on the ticketlinked from the ticket body. If developers can't understand all the ticket's requirements, it makes sense to insert the entire section of the chat or letter into the ticket body. It must be clear from which chat or letter the requirement was taken when it was written.
The requirement for linking the client's words becomes especially essential when the client asks to change an already agreed or developed software function.
Now, using an example of a ticket of the "Defect" type, let's look at the basic rules in compiling and describing a ticket.
The description of a defect is most often called a bug report. This is a specific but common type of ticket. It must be indicated in it:
- reproducible steps
- observed behavior
- expected behavior
- instance (software version, environment) in which the defect was detected
- test script
To write a good bug report, you need to prepare. If you find any mistake, don't run headlong into the bug tracker to start a ticket with the cries "nothing works!". To start, reproduce the error again. Reproduced - well, if not - it means that you did not consider something and you need to try to reproduce it again.